Getting Started with the MIG GitLab

The MIG GitLab is where all of our code is stored. This includes all project teams and the MIG platform. Let's explore it together.


You should have gone through some of the other tutorials related to Git. If not, definitely take a look at those before doing this tutorial.

If you have not reviewed the installing Git link, please make sure you do that immediately.

The GitLab Step by Step

Logging Into the GitLab

Our Gitlab is currently hosted by the University of Michigan. Head over to the link and use your uniqname and UMich password to login. (If you do not have access to the MIG Gitlab, please contact your group lead or message in the GroupMe).

Exploring the Projects

Assuming that you have been added correctly, you should be able to see all the current project repositories.

First, review the MIG Quant Code Base General Info repository information which will have a lot more information related to git and how the general format of the repositories look.

Discovering Algorithm Repositories

The algorithm repositories are found under algorithms with each team's repository clearly laid out. Each team has a that clearly defines what each project has done and some current steps that they plan on working on. An example is found below. Reviewing each team and what they have worked on is a great way to understand each project team and decide on which you might want to join.

Cloning Repositories Locally

As mentioned in our Git series. To clone a repository, simply find the URL of the repo and run git clone. This is shown next.

Getting the HTTPS Clone URL

To get the HTTPS Clone URL, look for the Clone button and the second option (as seen in the image below).

From there, make sure you clone it to the directory that you want.

$ cd mig-projects # or whatever directory you want
$ git clone <https-url> # this will create a folder with the repository

Studying Repository Code

Focus on Following the Data

It's important that you follow the data, think about where the inputs and where the start of the code is, then use an IDE like Visual Studio Code and F12 (Or CMD + F12 on Mac) to go through the code step by step.

Focus on the High-Level not the Nitty Gritty

The nitty gritty details can be found later as you continue to run the code. Focus on how the algorithms work as a whole: What data re they using? Where are they getting it from? What specific model/packages are they using to configure and manipulate the data? What does the final output look like? Where is it going?

Reach Out Reach Out

Reach out to the project leads and the teams that are working on everything. (We'll be adding more resources to this too!).

Last updated