Getting Started with the Repo

Clone the repo, create a new local branch immediately, push to a new remote branch, and create a pull request.

  1. git clone https://oauth2:{TOKEN}

    1. 'clone' means clone all the branches and histories of a repo

    2. TOKEN is a personal access token you need to create in GitLab

  2. git checkout -b {BRANCHNAME}

    1. You will start on the 'main' branch, which is important, so you should switch to a separate branch to make your edits. This creates a local branch (on your editor) that won't appear immediately on the GitLab

    2. Probably make your branch name the name of your social media platform

  3. git push -u origin {BRANCHNAME}

    1. GitLab is the remote, central repo. You need to push your local changes to the remote so they show up in GitLab and other people can see/get your changes

  4. Go to GitLab and create a Pull Request from your branch to main

    1. We want to make sure our main branch is stellar, so creating a pull request makes me review your changes and decide whether to merge them into main

  5. git pull

    1. Do this intermittently. This gets other people's changes to the repo. You only work on your own branch, so you shouldn't have conflicts

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